Our Projects
Our Projects
- Rapid Assessment to Identify the Causes of Undernutrition amongst the Children of Narmada District
- Swa Na Sathware” (Project Samruddhi)
- Technical Support to support SBCC Interventions and Strengthen Institutional Capacities towards Effective Community Interventions
- Project ‘Vastram’ – an Initiative of MoDe India
- Link Worker Scheme (LWS) – Vadodara & Chhotaudepur
- Green Highway Initiatives
- Shishu Kendra
- TECHNICAL SUPPORT UNIT (TSU) to Support SBCC Interventions towards rollout of Swachh Bharat Mission (G), Rajasthan
- Project VIHAAN – Ahmedabad – Gandhinagar & Jamnagar Districts
- Capacity Assessment of Training Centres
- Project “Aangane Ajwalu”
- BCC Strategy to Enhance Demand for Zinc & ORS
- 181 – Abhayam Women Helpline
- Capacity Enhancement of Counsellors – Gender Resource Centre
- Improve Routine Immunization through SBCC (Social & Behaviour Change Communication)
- Capacity Enhancement of ASHA Facilitators on IPC & Supportive Supervision
- Training of Female Health Workers (FHW) on Communication, Counselling & Community Participation
- ToT on BCC Tools & Techniques for Frontline Functionaries
- Blood Donation Camps
- Technical Support to VIHAAN
- Corporate Social Responsibility Program
- Training to frontline workers on effective use of Tablets under ‘Swasthya Samvedna Sena’ initiative
- Trainings of Anganwadi workers on Adolescents under SANGAM project of CHETNA
- Innovative communication tools for promoting MIYCN
- Women Consultation Workshop
- Contribution in Media: Doordarshan Ahmedabad & Etv Gujarati
- Interpersonal Communication Module
- Development of modules / IEC- BCC materials etc. under various projects
- School Intervention

Rapid Assessment to Identify the Causes of Undernutrition amongst the Children of Narmada District

Swa Na Sathware” (Project Samruddhi)
“Swa” in Gujarati means Self and “Sathware” means Support. The title “Swa Na Sathware” (Project Samruddhi) signifies that if a woman wants to elevate her financial and social status in the household / society, the first thing that she will have to do is to become aware and support her-self by achieving economic independence through better access and control in income generating activities. Under the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Power Pvt. Ltd has joined hands with MoDe India for implementing a program focusing on Women Empowerment through Promoting Gender Equity & Equality, Women SHGs & Co-Operatives in 13 villages of Patan District, Gujarat. The main objective of this intervention is to empower women of the targeted villages by providing them necessary inputs and organizing them into Self Help Groups, facilitating their market linkages and building their capacities in various aspects that will help them become self sufficient and contribute in livelihood generation.
Technical Support to support SBCC Interventions and Strengthen Institutional Capacities towards Effective Community Interventions
MoDe has entered into partnership with UNICEF – Gandhinagar, to provide technical support as well as need based inputs for effective implementation of SBCC Intervention. The project aims to support UNICEF - Gandhinagar in their various interventions for high-impact practices by institutionalizing planning of SBCC within the UNICEF supported districts in the state of Gujarat.
The program will mainly focus on important components like providing technical support for developing and implementing district SBCC plan, Mentoring, Hand holding, Capacity Building, Supportive Supervision, Conceptualization and development of Modules or Communication materials etc. Three major elements of this project will be:
1. Support effective implementation of “Poshan Abhiyan”
2. Strengthen UNICEF affiliated Govt./Non-Govt. organizations
3. Strengthen Community Health Centre (CHC) facility by building capacities of functionaries on Counseling and IPC Skills to enable them provide qualitative Health Care Services with a special focus on Early Child Development (ECD) and Mother & Child Health (MCH)

Project ‘Vastram’ – an Initiative of MoDe India
A bridge between having enough and having nothing...
Vastra (Cloth) is not just a tangible product, but has far deeper connotations. Clothes uphold self-esteem and are linked with health and wellness of human beings. Food, Clothing & Shelter demarcate the fundamental requirements of living human beings and also signify as an integral part of basic human rights as embodied in the Indian Constitutions. It is very unfortunate that due to weak financial conditions, in our country, many people are unable to secure these basic requirements for themselves and their families.
Under Project “Vastram”, MoDe facilitates collection of old /pre-owned clothes from individuals / social networks / societies and delivers them to the beneficiaries. In return, the bright smiles of contentment and blessings are conveyed from the recipients to the concerned donors.
The motto of Project Vastram is “Clothes for all”. Through this project, 'MoDe' reaches the two extreme sections of the society viz people having ample clothes and people who have limited or no access to clothes due to their social/economic or other factors.
For clothes donation or any other support, please feel free to contact on: +91 8511144588
Organization expects below support from the donors:
1. You can contact us on the given number and our representatives will collect clothes from you.
2. Please share your watsapp number to our team while they visit for collecting clothes. Photographs of the donation drive will be shared with you.
3. You may donate any kind of clothing (New/pre-owned), of any age and gender and so on.
4. Please donate clothes that bring joy in their lives and smiles on their lips.
5. Please avoid donating handkerchiefs, socks, under garments, faded or very old / torn / recycled clothes.
6. Please ensure that the clothes donated uphold the dignity of the recipient/ beneficiary rather than becoming a source of humiliation.
7. The donated clothes must be washed /packed neatly, and donated to MODE in ready-to-use condition.
8. You may support this initiative in the form of clothes donation or financial donation. For financial support, we accept payment through below modes:
a. Cheque in favour of ‘MODE’
b. Digital Banking – Credit Card / Debit Card / Net banking. Link for Net banking :
c. Paytm : 851144588 or scan the QR code :
d. Cash (By calling our representative on phone)
Note : All contributions made to MoDe India are deductible under 80G(5) of Income Tax 1961
મૉડ ઇન્ડિયા પ્રાયોજિત “પ્રોજેકટ વસ્ત્રમ્”
“પૂરતું હોવું અને કંઇ ન હોવું વચ્ચેનો સેતુ....”
‘વસ્ત્ર’ એ ફક્ત વસ્તુ નથી, પણ તેનાથી અનેક ગણું વિશેષ છે. વસ્ત્ર એ માનવીની ગરીમાનું રક્ષક છે, વસ્ત્ર એ સ્વસ્થતા અને સ્વાસ્થ્ય બન્ને સાથે જોડાયેલ બાબત છે, તથા એક પરિધાનની સાથે સાથે સંવિધાનમાં સમાવિષ્ઠ માનવિય અધિકાર પણ છે...
રોટી, કપડા અને મકાન – એ માનવમાત્રની પ્રાથમિક જરૂરીયાત છે, જેમાનો અમારો સંકલ્પ છે દરેક માટે વસ્ત્ર. પોતાની આર્થિક પરિસ્થિતિના લીધે પૂરતા કપડા પણ ન પહેરી શકે તેવા ભાઇ-બહેનો કે બાળકોના અંગ ઉપર અંગરખું એટલે કે વસ્ત્ર પહોંચાડવા એ આ કાર્યક્રમનો સંકલ્પ છે.
એક સંસ્થા તરીકેની સામાજિક જવાબદારીના ભાગ રૂપે અમો એ પૂરતું હોવું અને કંઇ ન હોવું એ બન્ને પરિસ્થિતિ વચ્ચે સેતુ બનવા માટેના પ્રયાસો હાથ ધર્યા છે. ‘પ્રૉજેક્ટ વસ્ત્રમ્” આ માટેનું પહેલું અને ખૂબ અગત્યનું પગથીયું છે, જેનો હેતુ છે દરેક માનવી માટે વસ્ત્ર.
પ્રાપ્ત થયેલા નવા કે જૂના વસ્ત્રોને ‘મૉડ’ માધ્યમ બની અને યોગ્ય પાત્ર સુધી પહોંચાડી રહી છે અને તેઓની દુઆ આપનાર સુધી. કોઇ પણની નાનામાં નાની મદદ આ કાર્યક્રમ માટે ઘણું બધું છે. વસ્ત્રદાનના આ ભગીરથ કાર્યમાં દાન તો આપનારનું જ રહે છે.... સંસ્થા તો ફક્ત હાથ - નિમિત્ત કે માધ્યમ – બની રહી છે.
પ્રોજેકટ વસ્ત્રમમાં સહકાર આપવા માટેનો સંપર્ક નંબર: +91 85111 44588
સહકાર આપનાર પાસેથી સંસ્થા તરફથી આટલી અપેક્ષાઓ રાખે છે.....
o આપ અમારો સંપર્ક કરો, અમારા પ્રતિનિધિ આપની પાસેથી વસ્ત્રો (કપડા) લઇ જશે.
o કપડાનું દાન કરનાર વ્યક્તિએ પોતાનો કોઇ એક વોટ્સઅપ નંબર જરૂરથી આપવો, જેથી અમે તમારા આપેલાં કપડાને જરૂરીયામંદને આપ્યા હોય તે વખતના ફોટોગ્રાફ્સ મોકલી શકીએ.
o આપ પહેરવા ઓઢવાનાં - નવા અથવા જૂના - કોઇ પણ ઉંમરની વ્યક્તિ પહેરી શકે તેવા કપડા આપી શકો છો, જેવા કે સાડી, પેન્ટ – શર્ટ, ટીશર્ટ, ડ્રેસ, ધોતીયું, ધાબળા, કટપીસ, ટુવાલ વગેરે.
o આપના દ્વારા દાન કરેલા વસ્ત્રોને જરૂરીયાતમંદ વ્યક્તિ પહેરવાની છે. આથી, કપડા એવા હોય કે જેથી પહેરનાર વ્યક્તિની ગરીમા જળવાય (ફાટેલા, થીગડાવાળા કે કલરથી ખરાબ થયેલાં ન હોય). મોજા, રૂમાલ તથા અંત:વસ્ત્રો ન આપવા વિનંતી. દાન તો એવી વસ્તુનું જ આપવું જેના બદલામાં આશિર્વાદ મળે...
o જે કપડાનું દાન આપીએ તે જો ધોયેલાં અને સ્વચ્છ હોય તો પહેરનારને કેવું ગમે!!!
o આ કાર્યક્રમમાં આપ કોઇ પણ રીતે સહકાર આપી શકો છો, જેમકે વસ્ત્રદાન સ્વરૂપે, સેવાના સ્વરૂપે અને આર્થિક અનૂદાન સ્વરૂપે. આપ આ કાર્યક્રમમાં નીચે જણાવેલ કોઇ પણ માધ્યમ દ્વારા અનુદાન આપી શકો છો:
1. ચેક દ્વારા – ચેક ઉપર લખવાનું નામ ‘મોડ’ / ‘MODE’
2. ડિજિટલ બેંકિંગ (ઓન લાઇન) – ક્રેડિટ કાર્ડ / ડેબિટ કાર્ડ / નેટ બેંકિંગ માટેની લીંક : http://modeindia.co.in/donate-us/
3. પે-ટીએમ – નંબર: 85111 44588 /અથવા/ ઉપર આપેલ ક્યુ.આર. કૉડ સ્કેન કરીને
4. રોકડ સ્વરૂપમાં – 85111 44588 ઉપર અમારા પ્રતિનિધિને ફોન કરીને
નોંધ: મૉડ સંસ્થાને આપેલું કોઇ પણ અનુદાન ઇન્કમટેક્ષની કલમ 80 જી હેઠળ કરમૂક્ત છે.
સંસ્થાને આપના ફોનની રાહ રહેશે.....!!

Link Worker Scheme (LWS) – Vadodara & Chhotaudepur
Under the fourth phase of National AIDS Control Program (NACP-IV), Link Worker Scheme (LWS) has been designed to intensify and consolidate the prevention services, focusing on the at-risk population in rural areas. The scheme envisages reaching out to High Risk Groups and at-risk population in rural areas with information, knowledge, skills on STI/HIV prevention and risk reduction.
In partnership with Gujarat State AIDS Control Society (GSACS), MoDe India, has taken an initiative to support an effective implementation of LWS in 100 Villages of two districts of Gujarat viz. Vadodara and Chhotaudepur. Under this program, MoDe India will work for building a rural community model for addressing the complex needs of HIV prevention, care and support requirements in selected geographies. The services include:
o Reaching out to rural population who are vulnerable and are at risk of HIV/AIDS in a non-stigmatized enabling environment.
o Improving access to information materials, commodities (condoms, needles/syringes) through collaborating with nearest TI or government health facilities, testing and treatment services ensuring there is no duplication of services or resources.
o Improving linkage to other social and health benefits provided by other line departments in line with local norms, regulations suitable for vulnerable populations.

Green Highway Initiatives
“Green Highway Initiatives” is an Environmental Management program of RKC Infrabuilt Pvt. Ltd. and is implementing the project on Mehsana – Himmatnagar State Highway-55 in partnership with MoDe India. The project aims at Solid Waste Management, creating awareness on Cattle Crossing on Project Highway & Renewable Energy across the project corridor. MoDe as a facilitating agency is playing a crucial role in developing guidelines for community based participatory solid waste management system and effective solid/industrial waste management practices and monitoring, liaison with PRI / municipalities for creating awareness amongst the communities in restricting the parallel movement of cattle along the project corridors, capacity building activities related to renewable energy and cattle crossing monitoring etc."

Shishu Kendra
Shishu Kendra, Wankaner (Dist. Morbi) And Jamnagar supported by Gujarat Labour Welfare Board
The community in Wankaner mainly comprise of labourers working in various industries in and around Wankaner. The Department has executed an agreement with MoDe for setting up a Shishu Kendra in Wakaner district. The main objectives of this initiative are:
o Provide pre-primary education to children in the age group of 3 to 6 years along with other life skill activities
o Provide Nutritional meals to the children and contribute towards decreasing mal nutrition amongst the children

TECHNICAL SUPPORT UNIT (TSU) to Support SBCC Interventions towards rollout of Swachh Bharat Mission (G), Rajasthan
In partnership with UNICEF - Rajasthan, MoDe India has taken an initiative to support an effective implementation of SBCC Interventions for acceleration and sustainability of Swachh Bharat Mission – Gramin, in four tribal Districts of Southern Rajasthan viz. Sirohi, Dungarpur, Banswara and Pratapgarh. The project seeks to institutionalise planning of Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) interventions within the District-wide Approach of SBM (G). This program will focus on all important components i.e. (a) technical Inputs to the district for development of SBCC action plan, (b) effective implementation with special focus on low performing GPs; (c) hand holding and Supportive Supervision (d) Capacity Building and system strengthening for SBCC, etc.

Project VIHAAN – Ahmedabad – Gandhinagar & Jamnagar Districts
Named for the Sanskrit word for ‘dawn’s first light,’ Vihaan is a national initiative for improve the quality of life of people living with HIV (PLHIV) by expand access to essential services, increase treatment adherence and reduce stigma and discrimination. The programme is designed as the care & support component of the country’s HIV response under National AIDS Control Programme IV (NACP IV). Working in collaboration with the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and with support from the Global Fund, the programme operates in 31 states and territories The Vihaan consortium is led by Alliance India and 17 state-level PLHIV networks and NGOs that in turn partner with district-level PLHIV networks and other organisations to deliver care & support services in communities through Care & Support Centres (CSCs). With support of GSNP+, MoDe is managing Vihaan Program in two Districts of Gujarat i.e. Gandhinagar and Jamnagar. Through Vihaan CSCs, we are providing a range of quality care & support services using an integrated approach that complements existing HIV prevention and treatment programming. Working in coordination with nearby ART Centres, our CSCs serve as safe spaces for PLHIV offering services that include counselling, outreach and follow-up support, health referrals, and linkages to social welfare schemes. Vihaan CSCs are committed to the health and wellbeing of all PLHIV and their affected families, with special effort to reach those from underserved populations, including women, children and members of high-risk groups.

Capacity Assessment of Training Centres
Implementing ‘Capacity assessment and strengthening of Training Centers of ICDS in Gujarat’ program in partnership of UNICEF. In existing system of ICDS – Women and Child Development Department, AWTC is a hub to train AWWs as well as Helpers. In order to effectively build the capacity of AWWs/Helpers, there is an acute need to strengthen the capacity of AWTCs itself. The rationale is that if AWTCs – as an institute is capable enough with regard to the required knowledge, skills and resources, the quality of the trainings being imparted to the trainees will definitely be significant. Mode is instrumental in assessing the current capacity of the AWTCs and formulate a strategy to further strengthen them by providing technical inputs for improving the quality of training.

Project “Aangane Ajwalu”
The construction industry is the largest industry that comprises of migrant laborers who have left their native villages to find employment in big cities. These migrant workers travel from one area of work to another and live in temporary settlements, sometimes provided by the construction company, for the duration of construction project. Due to their migrant nature, they are deprived from the basic facilities like health, Nutrition, Education, sanitation etc. The situation is even more dreadful when they migrate with their families. Children of these workers are most vulnerable and are deprived from their basic rights like health, education, Nutrition etc. “MoDe” as an organization is eager to work for such children of migrant labourers in shaping their lives. Thus, MoDe initiated the project “Aangane Ajwalu” to provide integrated services i.e. Health, Nutrition and pre-primary education along with life skill education to the children of migrant laborers. With support of The Rajhans (Desai-Jain) Group, MoDe is currently managing a Child Centre in Surat under CSR program of Rajhans Infracon (India) Pvt. Ltd.

BCC Strategy to Enhance Demand for Zinc & ORS
This project was implemented by MoDe in 1296 tribal villages in the districts of Bharuch, Surat, Valsad, Tapi and Navsari of Gujarat state for demand generation of Zinc-ORS. The project was funded by Micronutrient Initiative, (MI) India and supported by EHI International. It aimed at changing the behavior of community towards Diarrhoea Management amongst the children of 0 to 5 years age group. Through this project more than 2500 village level mobilizers (ASHA & AWWs) were sensitized and trained for Diarrhoea Management amongst children of 0 to 5 years age group. The project also aimed to reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in the state of Gujarat.

181 – Abhayam Women Helpline
181 is a 24 X 7 toll free number of Government of Gujarat to support women in distress. This helpline initiative was launched by GVK EMRI in association with Govt. of Gujarat under the name “Mission Abhayam” and is accessible through any mobile or landline. Women can access 181 “Abhayam” helpline for the purpose of counseling, guidance, information and also for the rescue in various threatening situations including domestic violence. MoDe played a pivotal role in building the capacity of counselors working under this project by facilitating various training sessions.

Capacity Enhancement of Counsellors – Gender Resource Centre
“The police station based Support Centres” for Women in Gujarat is a new initiative aimed at providing short term/long term counseling and guidance to the needy women –victims of domestic violence and family problems, besides other forms of harassment in coordination with the local police and other Government agencies. The project aims to strive for ensuring that women are recognized as individual, with equal rights and opportunities in society, to live peaceful, violence- free life. The support centres established by Gender Resource Centre - Women and Child Development Department Govt. of Gujarat are located within the selected police station in a district. These centers work with a clear understanding that Domestic Violence and other forms of violence against Women are dealt with seriously and every woman has a right to get protection against such crimes. The Counselors at the support Centers are appointed by WCD and they are imparted adequate training on counseling skills. MoDe has been instrumental in imparting training to these counselors on various subjects like counseling skills, methodology, inter personal communication etc.

Improve Routine Immunization through SBCC (Social & Behaviour Change Communication)
Health & Nutrition indicators are critical components of a country’s development index. Poor health status of pregnant women, low birth weight, stunting and wasting of children are major causes of poor health and nutrition index. For sustainable improvement of these indicators, behaviour change is required at household level with improvement in practices especially during child bearing and rearing periods. In the state, only 56.2 % (RSOC 2013-14) of eligible beneficiaries received full immunization and drop out of DPT and OPV is as high as 20%. One of the primary reasons of low coverage or high drop out is that beneficiaries lack awareness about the need and importance of Routine Immunization for benefit and health of their children.(Source : RSOC 2013-14) This project is managed by New Concept and supported by UNICEF, New Delhi in coordination with Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Gujarat. MoDe played a leading role in providing technical inputs for development of Social & Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) modules. MoDe is currently a part of National Level Master Level Training of Trainers (MToT) to its field level implementation in the state of Gujarat.

Capacity Enhancement of ASHA Facilitators on IPC & Supportive Supervision
In order to improve nutrition status and reduce IMR & MMR in Valsad district of Gujarat state, BCC Cell and District Health Society with support of UNICEF conducted a three days training program of ASHA facilitators and block IEC officers. MoDe provided trainings to enhance skills of ASHA facilitators and block IEC officers mainly covering topics like Interpersonal Communication (IPC) and Supportive Supervision. The trainings were well acknowledged by District Development Authority.

Training of Female Health Workers (FHW) on Communication, Counselling & Community Participation
Considering the important role of Female Health Workers at community level, MoDe imparted training to Female Health Workers (FHW) of Valsad district on Interpersonal Communication (IPC) under the training program organized by BCC Cell and District Health Society, Valsad with support of UNICEF. As a part of the training program, a pre and post analysis was conducted to assess the communication effectiveness of FHWs of Valsad district of Gujarat State. A state level workshop was conducted on the same subjects. Similar efforts were also replicated for organizing IPC training in association of District Training Teams (DTT) of Department of Health and Family Welfare of Rajkot district.

ToT on BCC Tools & Techniques for Frontline Functionaries
Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad (MICA) & Health & Family Welfare Department organized Training of Trainers program on Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Tools & Techniques for Frontline Functionaries. The program was supported by UNICEF & MoDe provided technical inputs for imparting trainings to selected officials such as Block Health Officers (BHO), District IEC Officers (DIECO), and Trainers of Health Department Training Institute etc.

Blood Donation Camps
With an objective of providing safe and quality blood and blood components to Ahmedabad Civil Hospital, MoDe has signed a MoU with Department of IHBT (Immunoheamotology and Blood Transfusion), BJMC, Civil Hospital, and Ahmedabad. As a part of this MoU, MoDe regularly organizes Blood Donation Camps for voluntary donation of blood. Ahmedabad Civil Hospital Blood Bank provides this blood to general public at an affordable cost and free to the poor and needy.

Technical Support to VIHAAN
MoDe works with Gujarat State Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS(GSNP+) - a State level CBO as a partner agency for improving community capacities by conducting training programs on different subjects like Basics of HIV/AIDS and relevant topics under VIHAN Project. MoDe is also giving technical inputs for conceptualization of BCC themes to motivate PLHAs for taking treatment in Government Hospitals. Over and above this, MoDe also supported VIHAAN project in developing a comprehensive package of IEC-BCC materials in Gujarati language.

Corporate Social Responsibility Program
MoDe works with Fisher BioPharma Services (I) Pvt. Ltd. Of Thermo Fisher Scietific – A multinational Corporate Group, in conceptualizing and undertaking the role of CSR facilitation targeting towards benefitting 400 children of a government run School who belong to very grassroots in the close vicinity of company’s location. Different type of activities carried out by MoDe includes Sensitization workshop on Child Rights, Visit to Children Home and Old Age Home, Sensitization of front line functionaries of the community on IPC, creating awareness drive for promoting health & nutrition amongst the community, exposure / educational visits of the school children to various places etc.

Training to frontline workers on effective use of Tablets under ‘Swasthya Samvedna Sena’ initiative
‘Swasthya Samvedna Sena’ is an ambitious initiative of Sabarkantha district, Government of Gujarat. Under this project, tablet devices were provided to selected Female Health Workers and Anganwadi workers for their better outreach in the community through IPC. These tablets are equipped with useful & interactive materials related to Health & Nutrition. The project was launched by Chief Minister, GoG. MoDe steered the training session’s imparted to Female Health Workers, Anganwadi Workers, Medical officers and Ayush doctors of Primary Health centers on effective use of tablets as IPC tools.

Trainings of Anganwadi workers on Adolescents under SANGAM project of CHETNA
CHETNA, an Ahmedabad based NGO undertook a project to deliver comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services to young people in the state of Gujarat. MoDe played a substantial role in facilitating the trainings of Anganwadi Workers of Sabarkantha district. The training was based on the Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) module of Government of India. The 5 day training was conducted in 5 batches and covered varied subjects like Gender, Health, Nutrition, Life skills etc.

Innovative communication tools for promoting MIYCN
With an aim to reinforce key messages of Maternal and Infant Young Child Feeding (MIYCN) practices among the ICDS officials, UNICEF and District Health Society of Sabarkantha and Dang districts of Gujarat with support of MoDe undertook comprehensive Trainings of identified Trainers. These trainings focused on ‘Use of innovative communication tools for promoting M-IYCN’ in 2 districts of Gujarat. This training program covered a range of innovative tools were used on subjects like community participation, verbal – non-verbal communication techniques, inter-personal communication, role-plays, home visits and use of technology for effective communication during home visits etc.

Women Consultation Workshop
In association with GSNP+, MoDe facilitated a workshop focusing on domestic and work place violence. The workshop aimed at increasing awareness amongst women about their rights and encouraging and empowering them for protecting themselves. Besides this, the workshop also focused on empowering women living with HIV towards their rights for Care and Support and other services.

Contribution in Media: Doordarshan Ahmedabad & Etv Gujarati
A comprehensive script focusing on entitlements under Integrated Child Development Services Scheme was developed by President MoDe for Doordarshan, Ahmedabad. Based on the script, a brief video program was conceived by Doordarshan. This program was facilitated by Director –Programs, MoDe India. Director – Programs, MoDe India has also participated as a panel member in the discussion related to childhood behavior on famous news channel etv Gujarati.

Interpersonal Communication Module
With technical and financial support from UNICEF, Gujarat; MoDe was instrumental in developing a comprehensive Interpersonal Communication Module for Valsad District Panchayat of Gujarat state. The module was published in Gujarati by BCC Cell, District Health Society, District Panchayat, Valsad and is used for training frontline workers like ASHA, AWWs etc.

Development of modules / IEC- BCC materials etc. under various projects
Under the Zinc-ORS demand generation program supported by Micronutrient Initiative and EHI International; MoDe supported the development of a package of various materials to be used by frontline workers and mobilizers for creating demand and awareness generation among the community. Templates of wall poster and wall paintings were developed and displayed across 1296 tribal villages.

School Intervention
Under the Zinc-ORS demand generation program supported by MI, MoDe took an initiative for inculcating basic hygiene practices amongst approximately 72000 children of 593 schools of tribal blocks of South Gujarat. As a part of this initiative, the team conducted various interactive activities with the children and reinforced the message of importance of hand washing, personal hygiene and cleanliness.