ASRA aims to provide people from the world over the opportunity to work in evaluated and credible NGOs in India. Programs are selected that best match the skills, area of interest, expertise, and time availability of the individual, with a view to strengthen and add value to the ongoing work of in India’s social development sector. Joining Hands’ vision is to influence positive social change.
ASRA is a Non-Governmental volunteer organization registered under the Society Registration Act 1973, in 2001. Working at aim of social development and empowerm8ent by making society self reliance and capable to survive their lives without any outside support.
ASRA is working with core thrust area of Education, Livelihood, Health & Hygiene and Environment with putting our efforts towards strengthens urban & rural economy in order to build up national empowering economy.
ASRA Samajik Lok Kalyan Samiti, Madhya Pradesh